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Maintenance & Repair Help

Common Issues & Solutions:

Please review the common problems before submitting a repair request. This will help determine whether you might be able to resolve your maintenance issues on your own.


Emergency Repairs Line: (888) 571-0537

Clogged Toilet

Fortunately, most toilet clogs are easily resolved.

First, stop flushing the toilet, which could cause an overflow. Instead, grab a plunger and position it over the drain, ensuring a tight seal. Apply firm pressure and plunge vigorously to dislodge the blockage.

If you are successful in dislodging the clog, the toilet should drain on its own.

Drain Clogs

If your sink or shower is draining slowly, debris is likely clogging the pipe. You can get a clog out of the drain opening using a cleaning tool; most hardware stores sell these tools for a few dollars.

You can also use a drain auger to attempt to remove deep clogs.


Turn off the water fixture. Then turn off the supply line valves to that fixture and contact Dream Big Property Management.

Repair Requests

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